Mindanao University of Science and Technology
Cagayan de Oro City
Course Syllabus
I. Course Code:
ET 112/116
II. Course Title
Basic Electrical Workshop
III. Course Description:
Electric Machines and Drives will include an introduction to the basic theory and applications of motors and generators. The design and application of electric drives used in the starting and control of electric machines will be introduced. Applicable industry standards will be introduced as well. This course will review parts of an electric drive, electric machine, and system application considerations. We will review the theory of operation of induction, synchronous, and DC machines. Equivalent circuits will be reviewed to present simplified analysis methods. Induction and synchronous machine parameters will be presented.
IV. General Objectives:
1. Become familiar with physical construction of AC and DC motors and controllers. Students will understand technical terms and definitions and basic application design calculations.
2. Aware with the proper motor and generator system design and application.
3. Become familiar with methods of diagnosing and correcting motor, generator or electric drive mis-operation or mis application.
4. Students will become familiar with recognized standards utilized in the application and operation of electrical machines and drives in an industrial environment.
5. Prepare and present a project on a properly designed motor and/or generator application and/or design.
V. Unit Credit:
6 Units
VI. Time Allotment:
96 hours
Unit I: Electromechanical Energy conversion
Time Allotment | Specific Objectives | Topics/Contents | Activities | Instructional Materials | Evaluation |
8 hours | 1. Know kinds of electric generators 2. Differentiate the electric generators with electric motors. 3. Identify Basic principles of electro-mechanical energy conversion. 4. Familiar the Energy balance 5. Calculate the energy conversion | 1. Basic principles of electro-mechanical energy conversion. 2. Basic aspects and physical phenomena involved in energy conversion. 3. Energy balance. 4. Basic principles of operation of electric generators and motors. | 1. Demonstrate the energy conversion 2. Outline the basic principle of electro-mechanical 3. Realize the phenomena involved in energy conversion 4. Discuss the balance of energy 5. Retelling the basic principles of operation of electric generators 6. Discuss the Basic principles of operation of electric motors | 1. White board 2. Markers 3. Books 4. Ammeter 5. OHP 6. Voltmeter 7. Electric Generator 8. Electric Motor 9. Calculator 14. Signal Generator | 1. Aptitude Test 2. Assignment: “List the DC machines ” |
Unit II: D.C. Machines
Time Allotment | Specific Objectives | Topics/Contents | Activities | Instructional Materials | Evaluation |
8 hours | 1. Study the Fundamentals of D.C. machine, construction 2. Know the Simple lap and wave windings. 3. Distinguish types of Armature windings 4. Able to Equalizing connections. 5. Stress Generated voltage. | 1. Fundamentals of D.C. machine, construction 2. Simple lap and wave windings. 3. Chording connections. 4. Equalizing connections. 5. Generated voltage. 6. Armature windings: ring 7. Armature windings: drum windings | 1. Collecting of the assignment 2. Discuss the D.C. machine, construction 3. Highlight the Simple lap and wave windings. 4. Showing Chording connections. 5. Underscore the Generated voltage. 6. Demonstrate Armature windings: ring and drum | 1. White board 2. Markers 3. Books 4. Voltmeter 5. OHP 6. D.C. machine construction 7. Armature winding 8. Coils 9. Drawing board 10. Long-nose pliers 11. Diagonal Cutting pliers | 1. Question and answer (Oral) 2. Select Response 3. Enumeration 4. Problem solving 5. Performance Test: Simple D.C. machine, construction 6. Homework: “What is Armature Reaction?” |
Unit III: Armature Reaction
Time Allotment | Specific Objectives | Topics/Contents | Activities | Instructional Materials | Evaluation |
8 hours | 1. Discuss the Distribution of armature and field mmfs. 2. Distinguish the Cross magnetizing and demagnetizing mmfs 3. Familiar the approximate estimation of Cross magnetizing and demagnetizing mmfs | 1. Distribution of armature and field mmfs. 2. Cross magnetizing and demagnetizing mmfs and their approximate estimation. | 1. Collecting of the assignment 2. Discuss the Distribution of armature and field mmfs Cross magnetizing and demagnetizing mmfs 3. Elaborate the approximate estimation of magnetizing and demagnetizing mmfs | 1. White board 2. Markers 3. Books 4. OHP 5. Armature | 1. Question and answer (Oral) 2. Performance Test: Making armature winding 3: Homework: “Write anything about Commutation” |
Unit IV: Commutation
Time Allotment | Specific Objectives | Topics/Contents | Activities | Instructional Materials | Evaluation |
8 hours | 1. Determine the commutation 2. Define Reactance voltage 3. Know the formula of Resistance commutation 4. Calculation Resistance commutation | 1. Introduction to commutation 2. Reactance voltage 3. Resistance commutation 4. Inter-poles. | 1. Discuss the commutation 2. Measure Reactance voltage 4. Demonstration in calculating of Resistance commutation 5. Presentation of measuring the Inter-poles. | 1. White board 2. Markers 3. Books 4. Voltmeter 5. OHP 6. Capacitors 7. Resistors 8. Inductors: Coils 9. Calculator 10. Bread-board 11. Long-nose pliers 12. Diagonal Cutting pliers 13. Ohmmeter | 1. Oral 2. Problem solving 3. Group activity: Measuring impedance across in-circuit resistor with supply voltage 4. Individual activity: Measure the voltage drop across the given resistive commutation 5. Assignment: “What are the DC Generators?” |
Unit V: DC Generators
Time Allotment | Specific Objectives | Topics/Contents | Activities | Instructional Materials | Evaluation |
8 hours | 1. Familiarize the Type of D.C. generators. 2. Obtaining the information of No load and load characteristics of D.C. generators. 3. Capable of execution Parallel operation | 1. Type of D.C. generators. 2. No load and load characteristics of D.C. generators. 3. Parallel operation. | 1. Deliberate the Ohm’s Law and its fundamental 2. Illustrate how to calculate current, voltage and power using ohms’ law 3. Measure current using Milliammeter 4. measure voltage using voltmeter 5. Collecting of assignment | 1. White board 2. Markers 3. Books 4. Voltmeter 5. OHP 6. D.C. Generator 7. Resistors 8. Milliammeter 9. Calculator 10. Electrical board 11. Long-nose pliers 12. Diagonal Cutting pliers | 1. 1. Personal communication: group conference 2. Individual activity: Identification of D.C. Generators 3. Group activity: Actual Parallel operation |
Unit VI: DC Motors
Time Allotment | Specific Objectives | Topics/Contents | Activities | Instructional Materials | Evaluation |
16 hours | 1. Familiar with Principles of operation, production of torque 2. Identify Back emf 3. Know Torque-current and torque-speed 4. Recognize Characteristics of motors 5. Enterprise Starting of motors n 6. Ability to control by variation of armature voltage 7. Analyze Field current and Ward Leonard method. 8. Able to troubleshoot Electrical braking of D.C. motors. 9. Proficient to know Losses and efficiency 10. Calculate the Direct and indirect tests 11. Calculate the Swinburne’s test and Hopkinson’s test | 1. Principles of operation, production of torque 2. Back emf 3. Torque-current and torque-speed 4. Characteristics of motors 5. Starting of motors. 6. Speed control by variation of armature voltage 7. Field current and Ward Leonard method. 8. Electrical braking of D.C. motors. 9. Losses and efficiency 10. Direct and indirect tests 11. Swinburne’s test 12. Hopkinson’s test 13. Field test and retardation test 14.Separation of losses 15. Rosenberg Generator. | 1. Discuss Principles of operation, production of torque 2. Confer the Back emf 3. Display the Torque-current and torque-speed 4. Show the Characteristics of motors 5. Demo of the strategies in how to measure Field current and Ward Leonard method. 6. Demonstration in Electrical braking of D.C. motors. 7. Distinguish the Swinburne’s test with Hopkinson’s test 8. Draft the Separation of losses 9. Outline the procedure of Field test and retardation test | 1. White board 2. Markers 3. Books 4. Encyclopedia 5. OHP 6. Charts of Types of Torque 7. Torque 8. Motors 9. Armature 10. Ammeter 11. Long-nose pliers 12. Diagonal Cutting pliers | 1. Personal communication: group conference 2. Individual activity: Operation, production of torque 3. Group activity: Measuring Torque-current and torque-speed 4. Problem solving: Field current and Ward Leonard method. 5. Drill: Identify resistance value in the given resistor’s code in a charts 6. Performance Test: Direct and indirect tests of Rosenberg Generator.. |
Unit VII: Cross Field Machines
Time Allotment | Specific Objectives | Topics/Contents | Activities | Instructional Materials | Evaluation |
8 hours | 1. Able to know the Basic principles of operation of meta-dyne 2. Obtain the knowledge of principles of operation of ampli-dyne 3. Familiarize the application of meta-dyne and ampli-dyne | 1. Basic principles of operation of meta-dyne 2. Basic principles of operation of ampli-dyne 3. Applications. | 1. Elaboration of Basic principles of operation of meta-dyne 2. Motivation: “Let the learners know the Basic principles of operation of ampli-dyne 3. Discuss the application of meta-dyne and ampli-dyne | 1. White board 2. Markers 3. Books 5. OHP 6. Charts in of meta-dyne and ampli-dyne | 1. Question and answer (Oral) 2. Select Response: charts 3. True/false assessment 4. Multiple Choice 5. Matching-type questions 6. Essay type |
Unit VIII: Transformers
Time Allotment | Specific Objectives | Topics/Contents | Activities | Instructional Materials | Evaluation |
16 hours | 1. Classification of O.C. and S.C. tests. 2. Knowing Emf equation. 3. Identification of No load and load conditions. 4. Recognizing the Ideal transformer. 5. Distinguishing Equivalent circuit 6. Able to know the Vector diagrams. 7. Obtain the knowledge of Voltage regulation. 8. Familiarize the Parallel operation 10. Recognize Sumpner’s back to back test. 11. Inventiveness the Effect of frequency. 12. Ability to control Switching currents in transformers 13. Analyze Separation of losses | 1. Constructional features 2. Emf equation. 3. No load and load conditions. 4. No load current wave shapes. 5. Ideal transformer. 6. Equivalent circuit. 7. Vector diagrams. 8. O.C. and S.C. tests. 9. Sumpner’s back to back test. 10. Efficiency. 11. Voltage regulation. 12. Effect of frequency. 13. Parallel operation 14. Auto- transformers 15. Switching currents in transformers 16. Separation of losses | 1. Discuss the Constructional features 2. Confer the No load and load conditions. 3. Exhibit the Emf equation. 4. Show the No load current wave shapes. 5. Demo the Ideal transformer. 6. Demonstration in Vector diagrams. 7. Distinguish the O.C. and S.C. tests. 8. Draft the Effect of frequency. 9. Outline the Parallel operation | 1. White board 2. Markers 3. Books 4. Transformer 5. OHP 6. Oscilloscope 7. Resistors 8. Analog Ohmmeter 9. Digital Ohmmeter 10. Electrical Bread-board 11. Long-nose pliers 12. Diagonal Cutting pliers 13: Charts: Vector diagrams | 1. Personal communication: group conference 2. Individual activity: Drawing the waveform No load current wave shapes. 3. Group activity: Measure Sumpner’s back to back test. 4. Problem solving: Emf equation 6. Performance Test: Parallel operation 7. Assignment: “Outline the Poly-phase Transformers” |
Unit IX: Poly-phase Transformers
Time Allotment | Specific Objectives | Topics/Contents | Activities | Instructional Materials | Evaluation |
16 hours | 1. Determine Single unit or bank of single-phase units, 2. Knowing Polyphase connections. 3. Identification of Open delta and V connections. 4). Recognizing the Phase conversion: 3 to 6 phase and 3 to 2 phase conversions. Effect of 3-phase winding connections on harmonics. 5). Able to know the 3-phase winding transformers, tertiary winding. | 1. Single unit or bank of single-phase units, 2. Polyphase connections. 3. Open delta and V connections. 4). Phase conversion: 3 to 6 phase and 3 to 2 phase conversions. Effect of 3-phase winding connections on harmonics. 5). 3-phase winding transformers, tertiary winding. | 1. Deliberate the Single unit or bank of single-phase units 2. Illustrate Polyphase connections. 3. Calculate Phase conversion: 3 to 6 phase and 3 to 2 phase conversions. Effect of 3-phase winding connections on harmonics. 4. Evaluate 3-phase winding transformers, tertiary winding. | 1. White board 2. Markers 3. Books 4. Transformer 5. OHP 6. Oscilloscope 7. Resistors 8. Analog Ohmmeter 9. Digital Ohmmeter 10. Electrical Bread-board 11. Long-nose pliers 12. Diagonal Cutting pliers 13: Charts: 3-phase winding transformers | 1. Personal communication: panel discussion 2. Individual activity: Calculate Phase conversion: 3 to 6 phase and 3 to 2 phase conversions. Effect of 3-phase winding connections on harmonics. 3. Group activity: Evaluate 3-phase winding transformers, tertiary winding. 4. Problem solving: Open delta and V connections. 6). Performance Test: 3-phase winding transformers, tertiary winding. |
VII: Grading System
Grading Scale Grading Criteria
A 100-93 20% Written assignments
B 92-85 25% Lab daily grade
C 84-76 30% Written and lab tests
D 75-70 25% Final exam
F 69-0 100% Total
I Incomplete
VIII: References
P.S. Bimbhra : Electrical Machinery
M.G. Say –Performance and Design of AC Machines
B.R. Gupta – Fundamentals of Electrical Machines, A New Age International Publishers
Nagrath & Kothari –Electrical Machines, TMH
Prepared by:
Archie Ryan B. Cutanda
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